
Clara Luna y Javier Moreno


“I met Javier Moreno in New York, where we shared a flat in Brooklyn. The human understanding was as simple as the musical understanding, based on mutual respect and admiration”

The double bass player from Madrid and the singer from Barcelona decided, after two years of friendship, to make real a project with some compositions from the both sides. “I invite him to bring some of his personality in my music and he allows me to investigate in his songs. It’s about sharing all the time”. The pianist Albert Bover and the drummer Xavi Maureta join them, and also Bartolomeo Barenghi on the guitar and

Gabriel Amargant playing the clarinet in the album called “Des del otro lado”.

Sucupira – from Kunveno


Recuerdos – from Kunveno


Parte de Mi – from Kunveno


Sobre Mi

Canto perquè em fa sentir millor, canto perquè és la meva manera de viure i relacionar-me amb el món. Canto jazz, pop, soul, bossa nova, folk, les meves cançons, les cançons d'altres, les cançons que m'agraden i em fan créixer. La música és cultura i la cultura ens fa ser millors persones... Canto tot el dia!

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Clara Luna Official Website - contact: hola@claraluna.info