Coleing Porter

Clara Luna y Xavi Maureta ITunes
Label: Nòmada 57


”I came back from New York with lots of energy and I channeled it in this project. I have been very lucky to share with Xavi. I learned so much…”

Although the idea of becoming a group was already in their minds, it was just when Clara came back from New York that they got down to work. They chose the composer to be arranged and recorded the album in Nómada 57, in 2010. “Working with Xavi Maureta has been a luxury for me. He’s a great musician, he knows a lot, and has a huge sensitivity for music. He knows exactly which has to be the result and he knows how to take us there. Working with him is really easy”. Together they decided to experiment with non-canonical jazz instruments –like the “saw”, that is played by Pepino Pascual in the album-and to seek for new colors and textures for a music that was created for Broadway, but “like all music, if you treat it with respect and affection, you can go beyond the laws of space and time and make it feel from anywhere”. This album has a little bit of tango, amalgam, delicacy, power, simplicity… and it’s shared with luxury partners such as Jordi Bonell, Adam Kolker, Pepino Pascual and Martí Serra.

Anything Goes – from Coleing Porter


I Get a Kick Out of You – from Coleing Porter


Easy to Love – from Coleing Porter


Sobre Mi

Canto perquè em fa sentir millor, canto perquè és la meva manera de viure i relacionar-me amb el món. Canto jazz, pop, soul, bossa nova, folk, les meves cançons, les cançons d'altres, les cançons que m'agraden i em fan créixer. La música és cultura i la cultura ens fa ser millors persones... Canto tot el dia!

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